Friday, May 30, 2014

Interesting piece to read....

Hand-written vs. Typed composition

On typing

Typing is fast, easy, and convenient. The sensation of my fingertips pressing on the keys is glorious, almost like touching something milky, soft and warm....But sometimes typing feels hasty, like I am writing too fast more words than I should write. The impulse to press enter, space bar and break the paragraph, and move on to the next, without actually finishing the current, is strong, and sometimes maddening.
Typing brings about a sense of urgency, a desire to finish everything and do it fast. When I have a word count to reach, and time is pressing, that is good. But when I struggle to put my thoughts in order and say exactly what I mean, it’s not...

On handwriting

Handwriting is slow, beautiful, and graceful. When I handwrite I think on paper. My handwriting is intelligible, rounded and curvy like a girl’s, so reading it later is not a problem. But sometimes handwriting is too slow. When I am a brimming with ideas, I feel the pen is holding me back.
The words do not write themselves fast enough, and I have to queue ideas, and my thumb begins to hurt, and I fret on my chair because ideas spark faster than they can be queued, and sometimes the terrible happens, and one of the queued ideas vanishes like a pretty girl in the night and I try to catch her and to hold her, to make her stay a little longer, but she is already gone and I am only groping at thin air… Heartbrake. Something lost that will never return. Paper, pen, you’ve let me down, so I will let you down. Back to typing...:)
I hope you all loved reading this...just as I did and hence its here for all to read and enjoy...:)